Friday, November 28, 2014

Make Christmas Come True

Christmas is coming up soon, and there are so many kids here who would love to receive a gift for Christmas. A lot of the families I know do give gifts to their kids for Christmas, but it’s usually just clothes or something little. I want to make this Christmas special for these kids who truly deserve it, and you can be a part of it!! Below is a list of kids with a gift they had asked for. If you can, choose one of the kids below, send me the amount of the gift through PayPal, and I will buy the gift for them here. It is possible that you could buy the gift and mail it to me, but I’m not sure if it would make it in time. Anyway, here’s the list:

  • Melanie: Disney Rapunzel Barbie doll
  • Rosie: Disney Rapunzel Barbie doll
  • Gaby: Giant stuffed Minion (from Despicable Me)
  • Carlos: RC Car (a police car)
  • Estefani: Gray blazer coat
  • Karla: Brown blazer coat
  • Blanca: Black blazer coat
  • Kevin: Hot Wheels station (it’s like a little car house)
  • Angeles: Doctor Barbie
  • Natalia: Disney Little Mermaid Barbie doll
  • Clara: Oscar Lopez movies
  • Luis: Cruz Azul soccer ball w/ball pump
  • Alberto: Goalie gloves
  • Brayan: Soccer ball w/ball pump
  • Julissa: Princess soccer ball
  • Oswaldo: Nerf Bow
  • Brayan: Soccer ball w/ball pump
  • Chuyito: Nerf gun
  • Danitza: Barbie toy wardrobe
  • Danely: Pink tennis shoes (size 4)
  • Gadiel: Mexico soccer ball
  • Carmen: MK Backpack -or- black blazer coat

If you can’t pay for a complete gift, but would like to give a small amount to help, you can!! Whatever you can give is 1000% appreciated. It truly shows God’s love to these kids through such a small act of kindness, and how great would it be to share God’s amazing love to these ever-so-needing kids? Make the difference this Christmas and share some of God’s love with His precious children.

Thursday, August 28, 2014


A.K.A. Los Extremos. I’m not saying that they’re misfits as in they don’t belong. I mean this like I’ve got a bunch of kids who aren’t the same at all on the same team. Every time we go to play a game, I imagine like we’re the team from The Sandlot and every other team is that nice team who shows up with their uniforms, acting like they’re all that and a bag of Sabritas. We’re the team who has kids from different parts of town, some of them being friends, some of them barely even knowing each other, while the other teams formed from their little groups in school or from their street, so they all know and get along with each other. Just about every kid on the team has joined from seeing us practicing in the soccer field, and then they might bring a friend they know. Three of the past four games, I’ve had several kids give up mid-game, angry kids throwing their goalie gloves on the ground while playing goalie, and even one kid get a yellow card pulled out on him for running his mouth. These things, unfortunately, are all caused because one kid on our team says something offensive to the other, causing a quarrel which ends up not too good. I’ve talked to them all several times about how we are a team and that if someone messes up, we mess up as a team. If someone does well, we do well as a team. There’s no individual glory. Yes, there are some kids who score almost all of the goals, but we do so as a team. There has not been a single time where we have won due to a single person doing everything. The truth, this season, we haven’t won many games at all. What I can say, though, is that the games we have won, they’ve been beautiful games: hard work, not a lot of conflicts, teamwork, the definition of a winning team. This past game, it was just that. We had gone to play with only five players from our team, and we grabbed another player from another team who just happened to be there to play with us for just that game, making six in total. The games are 7v7. The other team, not caring about the unfairness (although it was our fault for not having the players) played against us 6v7. The extra kid we had from another team seemed to know a lot about teamwork, and we won 6-4. I wanted to cry and steal that kid for our team all at the same time.  He wasn’t the only reason we won that game, though. Our goalie was finally guiding his defense so that we had a nice defensive set-up. Jonathan and the new kid made some really nice plays passing the ball back and forth, making their way through the other players. Samuel and Alberto did a super awesome job at defense, blocking a lot of balls from going into our goal. There was a team. Even though my kids come from many different walks of life, ranging from having that little extra money to “Let’s see if we’re going to eat something different rather than beans for dinner,” from having that homework and life help when necessary to defending for their own, from confident to really insecure due to their poor family life, they are truly such an amazing team. If we played every game like this last one, we’d be unstoppable. I mean, we didn’t win that last tournament for doing nothing. Separate, they may just be like a bunch of random puzzle pieces, but together, they make that beautiful team I like to call Los Extremos. They’re no longer “Misfits,” but a family, a well-running family. I just wish they’d stay that way, not just when they win, haha. Pray for Alberto, Samuel, Yahir, Jonathan, Jhon, Octavio, Oswaldo, and Alexis to stay a team, in the good and the bad, and to always be lifting each other up.

“The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you, nor again the head to the feet, ‘I have no need of you.’ On the contrary, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensible, and on those parts of the body that we think less honorable we bestow the greater honor…But God has so composed the body, giving greater honor to the part that lacked it, that there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together. If one member is honored, all rejoice together.” – 1 Corinthians 12:21-23a, 24b-26

There's no newsletter for this month due to me being out-of-state without the correct equipment to do so, but I will be writing posts like this to keep everyone informed!

Saturday, August 9, 2014

July 2014 Newsletter

Again, there were technical difficulties like every time, but here's the newsletter for July! Forgive me for the tardiness, although you probably already expected it...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

June 2014 Newsletter

Here's the newsletter for June!! If you would like to come and help out, feel free to contact me at, through Facebook, or by calling 011-52-1-664-354-0179. Your help will be 105% appreciated!!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

May 2014 Newsletter

I lost internet at the house, so I haven't been able to finish this newsletter until now. Please forgive me again for the tardiness. I'll be on time one day.

Hopefully one day, I'll have the time to write about something other than these newsletters :P

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

April 2014 Newsletter

Again, forgive me for being late. I seem to deal with more technical issues than a Dell Help Center. Here's the newsletter for April!!

I also would like to remind everyone that CAMP IS COMING UP SOON!!! If you can help out by donating financially, you can do so by clicking the donate button on the right side. It's not necessary to have a PayPal account to donate, either. If you would like to donate material, feel free to send me an email or a message on Facebook, and I'll give you all the info you need. Some things in particular that I'm looking for are Spanish Kids Bibles for 30 kids, walkie-talkies (the kind that adults use), and TONS and TONS and TONS of water balloons, preferably red and blue water balloons. If you want to come and help yourself, you most definitely can!! Camp is July 10-12. It's a LOT cheaper than you think. Email or message me for more info!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

March 2014 Newsletter

Again, forgive me for being late, but here's the newsletter for March!! I'll be sure to get the next one in on time. This one has a lot of info about our FIRST EVER SUMMER CAMP, so be sure to check it all out!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

February 2014 Newsletter

I've finally made it! I'm a few days late, but I hope you all forgive me. I had a few technical issues, plus some life issues, but God has reminded me every time that He's never left me and that He hears my prayers. I've been wanting to put more stuff up on here, but I procrastinate way too much, plus I do a lot of my talking on Facebook through my weekly highlight videos. If you want to know when the next video is uploaded, let me know, and I'll be sure to tag you in it!

Also, like it says at the bottom of the first page, we will be having our FIRST EVER KIDS CAMP!!!!!! It's still a few months away in July, but we need all the help we can get, the sooner the better. If you can donate financially, material, or even donate your time by coming and helping out, let me know by sending an email or by sending a message on Facebook. Whatever help, no matter the size, is ALWAYS 100% appreciated!!!!!