Friday, November 28, 2014

Make Christmas Come True

Christmas is coming up soon, and there are so many kids here who would love to receive a gift for Christmas. A lot of the families I know do give gifts to their kids for Christmas, but it’s usually just clothes or something little. I want to make this Christmas special for these kids who truly deserve it, and you can be a part of it!! Below is a list of kids with a gift they had asked for. If you can, choose one of the kids below, send me the amount of the gift through PayPal, and I will buy the gift for them here. It is possible that you could buy the gift and mail it to me, but I’m not sure if it would make it in time. Anyway, here’s the list:

  • Melanie: Disney Rapunzel Barbie doll
  • Rosie: Disney Rapunzel Barbie doll
  • Gaby: Giant stuffed Minion (from Despicable Me)
  • Carlos: RC Car (a police car)
  • Estefani: Gray blazer coat
  • Karla: Brown blazer coat
  • Blanca: Black blazer coat
  • Kevin: Hot Wheels station (it’s like a little car house)
  • Angeles: Doctor Barbie
  • Natalia: Disney Little Mermaid Barbie doll
  • Clara: Oscar Lopez movies
  • Luis: Cruz Azul soccer ball w/ball pump
  • Alberto: Goalie gloves
  • Brayan: Soccer ball w/ball pump
  • Julissa: Princess soccer ball
  • Oswaldo: Nerf Bow
  • Brayan: Soccer ball w/ball pump
  • Chuyito: Nerf gun
  • Danitza: Barbie toy wardrobe
  • Danely: Pink tennis shoes (size 4)
  • Gadiel: Mexico soccer ball
  • Carmen: MK Backpack -or- black blazer coat

If you can’t pay for a complete gift, but would like to give a small amount to help, you can!! Whatever you can give is 1000% appreciated. It truly shows God’s love to these kids through such a small act of kindness, and how great would it be to share God’s amazing love to these ever-so-needing kids? Make the difference this Christmas and share some of God’s love with His precious children.