Hey, everyone!! If you're still looking here for updates on what's going on in my life, I'm not really posting here anymore (except for now to tell you this). Everything is now being done at the ministry's new website: operationworth.com!!
Here's the direct link for my latest update: https://www.operationworth.com/single-post/2018/02/26/Difficult-But-Worth-It-JanFeb-2018-Update
Love ya guys!! Please let me know what you think of the new switch!! I really want to hear from you guys. Like, I kinda need to. Just say hi or something if you don't have anything to comment. That would be cool.
It's Not About Me
Hey!¡ I'm Daniel, 25 years old, and this is all about my life as a missionary, how I got here, and what I'm doing in the city of Tijuana, Mexico. All glory and honor belong to my God, my wonderful Savior and Father in heaven.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
To All Of You Who Read This
Hey, everyone!! I just wanted to inform all of you guys that are my mailing list that I have moved my blogs to my ministry's website: operationworth.wixsite.com/operationworth. The direct link for my newsletters is this: https://operationworth.wixsite.com/operationworth/blog. If you'd like to be added to the emailing list for the new newsletters, you can do so on the bottom of the website page, or just send me your email or an email saying you'd like to keep receiving e-newsletters!!
I might post more personal blogs here, but for now, it'll just be on the site above. If you would like me to remove you from this blog, please let me know, as well.
Be Lit and Stay Woke, Fam. With Jesus, of course.
I might post more personal blogs here, but for now, it'll just be on the site above. If you would like me to remove you from this blog, please let me know, as well.
Be Lit and Stay Woke, Fam. With Jesus, of course.
Thursday, October 5, 2017
My Mind Is Blank, Yet Overpacked
I don't know who actually checks my blog regularly, but I just have to vent a little right now. Not so much vent, but I just want to get this out of me. Something huge happened the other day, and I just don't know what to do anymore.
When I say "what to do," I don't mean that my life is at a standstill. Things are still going strong here in my ministry, well, as strong as I can make them with God's help, of course. But this news that I got won't leave me. It haunts me now every single day that I wake up, throughout my whole day, and when I go to bed at night. It's not that I think it's a bad thing. It's just something huge that I know I need to do, but I don't want to. It's something super beneficial for me, but it's going to be super hard to actually do. I'm just going to say it:
I've been asked to step out of my ministry for 6 months.
Now, for almost everyone, that's like, "Oh, you get a 6-month vacation. How is that a bad thing?" I won't be vacationing during this time (except for Christmas and whatnot). I'll be back in Michigan for 4 months interning at my home church, Grace Christian Church, assisting the missions director in anything and everything she needs assistance. I'll be learning as I work about keeping a good volunteer base and support base, which is something I really need to learn more about. In April, I'll be heading to Mexico City to intern with some awesome people there in kids ministry. So, there isn't anything vacationy about this. It's more of a work-learn type thing, which is great for me because that's how I learn -- by doing. I'm excited about this opportunity, but, at the same time, I want to throw up.
Every time that I think about being gone for 6 MONTHS, I want to start bawling my eyes out. I feel like someone put one of those heavy duty rubber stoppers in my eyes, and there's a fire hose of emotions ready to burst out. I already cried twice since Tuesday, so that's how I know. Ever since I started working full time in my ministry, the longest I have left ministry was for 3 months, which was in the very beginning, so I wasn't really in it just yet. When I left that time, though, I felt this huge hole in my chest. I hope that my heart doesn't literally fall out of me this time, knowing that I won't be here for 6 MONTHS. SIX. MONTHS.
All these questions now flood my mind: is what I do still going to happen while I'm gone?? Will it still be effective?? Will the kids still want to come, or will they be too hurt and upset like last time??Will they be treated right?? Will the people covering for me know how to talk with Luis so that he respects and listens?? Will they know when Fernando is actually crying and when he's just throwing a fit?? Will they know how to treat him when that happens?? Will someone be there to talk with Miriam if she starts having her episodes again?? If I tell the people who will be covering for me all of these things, will they actually take it to heart and do it?? The biggest question is, what are Chava and Héctor, the boys I plan on adopting, going to think, now that I won't see them for six months??
Because all of these things are in my head, I can't seem to get anything done. Especially right now. I felt like if I got this all out, that it would help. The thing I really need to do, though, is give this all to God. I don't know why it's so hard right now. I'm usually pretty good at it. I'm not trying to take control of everything, but I feel so overwhelmed. Like, my mind is at a state of emptiness, but it's jammed with too much at the same time. I don't know how to explain it. I'm just really hurt about it. Not hurt, but upset. I mean, not really even upset, but, just, I don't know. Things are going to be ok. I know. I'm just really, really, REALLY going to miss all of this. Like, 6 months?? I know it's what I have to do, but it's going to be hard. This is going to be so beneficial for my ministry, my future family, and for me. Also, it's what I need to do so that I can be more effective in reaching these kids that God has given me. I don't want to, but I know that it's what God wants me to do. He's told me. I've just been denying it. And, it looks like right now is the opportune time to do so.
Thank you all for your time in reading this. Like, all 4 of you. I'm not planing on publishing this on Facebook, so no one is going to see it really. Just you all who had asked me to put you on my mailing list. I didn't really want anyone to see this anyway. But I believe that you guys are trustworthy and won't tell anyone 😉 I'm not ready to give this info to the world just yet, but I had to get this off my chest. Please pray for me right now: that God continues to shower me with peace and that He gives me a sound mind through it all. This blank, over-packed mind isn't letting me get much done, and I still want to get some stuff done before I go. I want to make these next two months the best two months yet. May God bless you all over-abundantly. I love you all so much, truly. God loves you all even more.
Not my will, God, but Yours be done.
When I say "what to do," I don't mean that my life is at a standstill. Things are still going strong here in my ministry, well, as strong as I can make them with God's help, of course. But this news that I got won't leave me. It haunts me now every single day that I wake up, throughout my whole day, and when I go to bed at night. It's not that I think it's a bad thing. It's just something huge that I know I need to do, but I don't want to. It's something super beneficial for me, but it's going to be super hard to actually do. I'm just going to say it:
I've been asked to step out of my ministry for 6 months.
Now, for almost everyone, that's like, "Oh, you get a 6-month vacation. How is that a bad thing?" I won't be vacationing during this time (except for Christmas and whatnot). I'll be back in Michigan for 4 months interning at my home church, Grace Christian Church, assisting the missions director in anything and everything she needs assistance. I'll be learning as I work about keeping a good volunteer base and support base, which is something I really need to learn more about. In April, I'll be heading to Mexico City to intern with some awesome people there in kids ministry. So, there isn't anything vacationy about this. It's more of a work-learn type thing, which is great for me because that's how I learn -- by doing. I'm excited about this opportunity, but, at the same time, I want to throw up.
Every time that I think about being gone for 6 MONTHS, I want to start bawling my eyes out. I feel like someone put one of those heavy duty rubber stoppers in my eyes, and there's a fire hose of emotions ready to burst out. I already cried twice since Tuesday, so that's how I know. Ever since I started working full time in my ministry, the longest I have left ministry was for 3 months, which was in the very beginning, so I wasn't really in it just yet. When I left that time, though, I felt this huge hole in my chest. I hope that my heart doesn't literally fall out of me this time, knowing that I won't be here for 6 MONTHS. SIX. MONTHS.
All these questions now flood my mind: is what I do still going to happen while I'm gone?? Will it still be effective?? Will the kids still want to come, or will they be too hurt and upset like last time??Will they be treated right?? Will the people covering for me know how to talk with Luis so that he respects and listens?? Will they know when Fernando is actually crying and when he's just throwing a fit?? Will they know how to treat him when that happens?? Will someone be there to talk with Miriam if she starts having her episodes again?? If I tell the people who will be covering for me all of these things, will they actually take it to heart and do it?? The biggest question is, what are Chava and Héctor, the boys I plan on adopting, going to think, now that I won't see them for six months??
Because all of these things are in my head, I can't seem to get anything done. Especially right now. I felt like if I got this all out, that it would help. The thing I really need to do, though, is give this all to God. I don't know why it's so hard right now. I'm usually pretty good at it. I'm not trying to take control of everything, but I feel so overwhelmed. Like, my mind is at a state of emptiness, but it's jammed with too much at the same time. I don't know how to explain it. I'm just really hurt about it. Not hurt, but upset. I mean, not really even upset, but, just, I don't know. Things are going to be ok. I know. I'm just really, really, REALLY going to miss all of this. Like, 6 months?? I know it's what I have to do, but it's going to be hard. This is going to be so beneficial for my ministry, my future family, and for me. Also, it's what I need to do so that I can be more effective in reaching these kids that God has given me. I don't want to, but I know that it's what God wants me to do. He's told me. I've just been denying it. And, it looks like right now is the opportune time to do so.
Thank you all for your time in reading this. Like, all 4 of you. I'm not planing on publishing this on Facebook, so no one is going to see it really. Just you all who had asked me to put you on my mailing list. I didn't really want anyone to see this anyway. But I believe that you guys are trustworthy and won't tell anyone 😉 I'm not ready to give this info to the world just yet, but I had to get this off my chest. Please pray for me right now: that God continues to shower me with peace and that He gives me a sound mind through it all. This blank, over-packed mind isn't letting me get much done, and I still want to get some stuff done before I go. I want to make these next two months the best two months yet. May God bless you all over-abundantly. I love you all so much, truly. God loves you all even more.
Not my will, God, but Yours be done.
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
God Is Greater - August 2017 Update
I remember saying a while back that I was only going to post a newsletter (or blog) once every two months, but a lot is happening. I do a lot of my postings on Facebook on what I do throughout the month, so you probably have seen all of this. Please let me know if this is necessary for y'all because this is pretty time-consuming. Like, literally tell me with words. Please. Write a letter or something. I hardly ever get feedback, and I would really appreciate some feedback.
Adolescentes Unidos, or Teens United, happened on August 9-12!! We had 19 teens show up, which is our biggest number yet!! I have to say that for me, this was our best camp yet. I was really sick through the whole thing, but God still moved through me. The message throughout camp was "God Is Greater." We talked about how God is greater than our fears, sicknesses, and our problems. There was freedom from fear and anxiety and healings the very first two nights!! God really did do something amazing in these teens and, although every teen that went didn't take it as seriously as I wished, the few that did made it all worth-while. I'm praying that next year, we will be able to go to an actual campsite for camp to make it something beyond the ordinary for these teens!! Please be in prayer with me in this!!
I recently started up Agentes Secretos de Cristo, or Secret Agents of Christ, which is a kids discipleship program!! In this program, the kids are learning Bible verses, really growing closer to God, and learning how to evangelize!! Every two months, the kids have to memorize a set of Bible verses to reach the next rank on the Secret Agent team, and they get "spy gear" to help them remember what they learned through those verses. Our first week we had 7 kids come out, and our second week we had 4 kids come out. This is a way to really teach the kids who are serious about knowing more about Jesus, God's Word, who God really is, and what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. In our kids club on Saturdays, I saw that the kids who were trying to take God seriously were distracted by the kids who didn't really seem to care. The serious ones would start out trying hard, but then they would see the other kids not really caring, so the serious ones stopped caring. I'm hoping that with this discipleship program, these kids also learn to go against the flow and that they can influence others, not the other way around. Please be in prayer with me for Juan Carlos, Danitza, Gadiel, Gabriel, and all the kids that may come in the future that they may truly encounter who God really is and have a deeper relationship with Him.
At the end of September, I may be renting my first house!! I'm ever so grateful for the hospitality of May and Karen, the couple of the family that I have been staying with for almost 4 years now, but I feel that it would be a lot better to have my own space and start on a new chapter of my life. I think it would be great to have the space to be able to work on things in the ministry, and for something else. I'm going to be real for a second with you all. I hope that's ok. I really want to start a family. I don't think I really will be able to work towards that living in a closet-sized room in someone else's house. To be honest, I don't even know if I'm supposed to even have a family of my own. Like, will God allow me to do so?? Seriously, though, I would love to have a wife to be able to live life with and do life together. I'd love to have a wife to be able to play, teach, and love on the kids with. I'd like to not be alone in life anymore. God is with me, yes, but for all of you who have a SO, you know how I feel. Maybe.
Also, I'd like to adopt kids, like these two. Actually, I want to adopt these two. I need a place for them to live, and I don't think having them live in someone else's house is the best idea. I want to be able to provide the best that I can for them and be the best father that I can be. I want them to have their own room and sleep in their own bed. I want them to have game nights with pizza in their own living room. I want them to live the most normal life that I can give them in their own house, and I'd like to prepare for that now, Lord willing. Please be in prayer with me for the house to come through, and, if you are able, please donate at https://www.gofundme.com/housing-for-daniel-ratz. Pastor Renee, one of my old youth pastors, made this for me, and I'm so incredibly grateful for her and for this.
As always, thank you so much for taking the time for reading this. That shows that you care, and that means more than you know. May God just blast a fire hose of blessings over your life. That's, like, a lot of blessings.
"Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7
God is greater than all the problems I am facing.
- Daniel
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Adolescentes Unidos 2017 |
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Worship and Service Time up in the mountains |
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Gabriel and Gadiel in our secret kids club!! |
At the end of September, I may be renting my first house!! I'm ever so grateful for the hospitality of May and Karen, the couple of the family that I have been staying with for almost 4 years now, but I feel that it would be a lot better to have my own space and start on a new chapter of my life. I think it would be great to have the space to be able to work on things in the ministry, and for something else. I'm going to be real for a second with you all. I hope that's ok. I really want to start a family. I don't think I really will be able to work towards that living in a closet-sized room in someone else's house. To be honest, I don't even know if I'm supposed to even have a family of my own. Like, will God allow me to do so?? Seriously, though, I would love to have a wife to be able to live life with and do life together. I'd love to have a wife to be able to play, teach, and love on the kids with. I'd like to not be alone in life anymore. God is with me, yes, but for all of you who have a SO, you know how I feel. Maybe.
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Chava and Hector, two boys that I will be adopting one day, Lord willing |
"Casting all your anxieties on Him, because He cares for you." - 1 Peter 5:7
God is greater than all the problems I am facing.
- Daniel
Sunday, August 6, 2017
What A Busy Summer (And It's Still Not Over) - July 2017
A few days late on this. Sorry about that. Like the title says, though, it's been one busy summer.
Summer kicked off with seven of my kids graduating!! I got to be the godfather for four of them!! It was such an honor being able to walk with them in their graduation ceremonies. I met several of these kids when they were just halfway through 2nd grade, and now they're going on to middle school!! It's been so awesome to be able to be with them every week and watch them grow into the amazing people that God has designed them to be. I've been able to be with them through good times and bad times, and it was all so worth it. I'm excited to see what great things God has in store for them in this next huge step of their lives!!

The week after, we jumped in to Días Locos Para Cristo, our kids summer camp! We had 33 kids with 25 teens and 15 adults helping out. It was our first time going camping with the kids, and, to be honest, it was a huge and stressful learning experience. Through it all, though, the kids had a ton of fun, and they heard the most valuable secret: that they are loved and valued by God and that He is their Heavenly Father who cares about them so much. Also, they learned that they are Secret Agents of Christ and that they need to complete their mission of sharing this secret with the whole world so that everyone can be a secret agent for Jesus!! For me personally, it was really stressful, but being able to spend time with the kids and do something fun for them was all worth while. Thanks to all who donated to help make this possible!! Another thank you to Courtney, Carissa, Hedgar, and Christian for coming out and helping out with camp!! The kids, as well as I,
appreciated your guys' help!! If you or a group of you would like to come help with an event with Operation: Worth, whether it be camp or kids crusades or just normal day-to-day events, please send an email to daniel.ratz92@gmail.com, or send me a message on Facebook!!
The week after Kids Camp, we had our Vacation Bible School!! Our theme was HeartWash, where we taught the kids that there are many things that can dirty our hearts, but only God's forgiveness through what Jesus did on the cross for us can make our hearts clean again. Unfortunately, I only have this one photo from when we were eating since I was so busy during the other times of VBS. We had around 40 kids show up, and about 15 of them were new!! Please be praying with me that the new kids come back to our Saturday kids club, and that all the kids remember that Jesus is the only One who can make us clean again!
The 9-12 of August is Adolescentes Unidos, our Teen Camp!! We were planning on going to a ranch in Rosarito and doing something huge for the teens, but no one could pay :( So, we're having it at the church again. I know that God is still going to move in a mighty way. Please be praying that the teens are willing to receive from God and that everything flows smoothly. Also, several of the kids still can't pay for camp, although I cut the price in half to only $15. If you can help sponsor a teen for camp, please do so at paypal.me/DanielRatzMissions, or on the right side of this blog (if you are seeing this from the actual website and not in email.)
I don't believe that I announced this, but I am officially the founder of Operation: Worth!! It was a long and confusing process, but the board and I did it!! Hopefully, we will have 501(c)(3) status very soon. A huge, special thank you to Abigail M. who helped so much in making this possible.
School is coming up soon, and I'm looking for school supplies!! If you can donate school supplies, whether it be for elementary, middle school, or high school, please let me know, and I'll be sure to send you an address on where to send stuff!! A great idea would be to fill a backpack with school supplies and send it with a name tag attached to a certain kid who needs it!! Here are a list of names and grades of some of the kids who are in need:
Cesar - Kindergarten
Marco "Alex" Alejandro - 2nd
Fernando - 4th
Juan Carlos - 5th
Jaqueline - 10th
Robert "Estif" Steven - 7th
Natalia - 4th
Luis - 5th
Edwin - 3rd
Julissa - 7th
Alberto - 9th
As always, thank you so much for your attention and for caring about me and these kids. You don't know how appreciative I really am.
May God continue to shower you all in blessings upon blessings,
Daniel Ratz, founder of Operation: Worth


The week after, we jumped in to Días Locos Para Cristo, our kids summer camp! We had 33 kids with 25 teens and 15 adults helping out. It was our first time going camping with the kids, and, to be honest, it was a huge and stressful learning experience. Through it all, though, the kids had a ton of fun, and they heard the most valuable secret: that they are loved and valued by God and that He is their Heavenly Father who cares about them so much. Also, they learned that they are Secret Agents of Christ and that they need to complete their mission of sharing this secret with the whole world so that everyone can be a secret agent for Jesus!! For me personally, it was really stressful, but being able to spend time with the kids and do something fun for them was all worth while. Thanks to all who donated to help make this possible!! Another thank you to Courtney, Carissa, Hedgar, and Christian for coming out and helping out with camp!! The kids, as well as I,



I don't believe that I announced this, but I am officially the founder of Operation: Worth!! It was a long and confusing process, but the board and I did it!! Hopefully, we will have 501(c)(3) status very soon. A huge, special thank you to Abigail M. who helped so much in making this possible.
School is coming up soon, and I'm looking for school supplies!! If you can donate school supplies, whether it be for elementary, middle school, or high school, please let me know, and I'll be sure to send you an address on where to send stuff!! A great idea would be to fill a backpack with school supplies and send it with a name tag attached to a certain kid who needs it!! Here are a list of names and grades of some of the kids who are in need:
Cesar - Kindergarten
Marco "Alex" Alejandro - 2nd
Fernando - 4th
Juan Carlos - 5th
Jaqueline - 10th
Robert "Estif" Steven - 7th
Natalia - 4th
Luis - 5th
Edwin - 3rd
Julissa - 7th
Alberto - 9th
As always, thank you so much for your attention and for caring about me and these kids. You don't know how appreciative I really am.
May God continue to shower you all in blessings upon blessings,
Daniel Ratz, founder of Operation: Worth
Friday, June 2, 2017
Summer Camp, and YOU Can Halp!! - May 2017 Update
I know it's spelled "help." I wanted it to rhyme. It doesn't even really rhyme, though.
Anyway, summer camp season is upon us again!! I am super excited to announce that we are having two summer camps this year: Días Locos Para Cristo (our kids's camp) and Adolescentes Unidos (our teens's camp)!!
We are planning on having 60 kids and 30 leaders come to Días Locos Para Cristo this year!! We are doing a full camp this year, and we'll be camping out at Parque Morelos on July 13-15. Here's how you can help!!
- Craft material: (Popsicle Stick Picture Frames) TONS of jumbo popsicle sticks, TONS of Elmer's Glue-All glue, TONS of Sharpie's of many different colors, (Duct Tape Wallets) TONS of duct tape (different colors would be awesome, but normal, gray duct tape is ok), multiple scissors, multiple rulers
- Game material: 60 plastic spoons, pack of Oreo's, balloons, string, more duct tape, 5 walkie-talkies, 4 heavy-duty kids river tubes (inner tubes), about 15 cones
- Team material: one large white sheet, 12 black Sharpie's, 3 lime green Sharpie's, 3 purple Sharpie's, 3 cherry-colored Sharpie's, 3 silver Sharpie's, one large lime-green sheet, one large purple sheet, one large black sheet, one large lime-green sheet, one large cherry-colored sheet
Anyway, summer camp season is upon us again!! I am super excited to announce that we are having two summer camps this year: Días Locos Para Cristo (our kids's camp) and Adolescentes Unidos (our teens's camp)!!
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Días Locos Para Cristo 2016 |
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"The Red Warriors" |
- We want to make camp free for all of the kids and leaders that will be there. A lot of these kids really don't have the money to pay for a camp like this, and to be able to bless them with an experience that they will never forget would be such a blessing for them. Camp only costs $10 for each person!! If you can sponsor a kid, please do so at the right of this blog or at paypal.me/DanielRatzMissions.
- You need the proper materials to make a summer camp for kids super exciting!! Here's some materials that we need:
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"The Inheritors of Christ" |
- Craft material: (Popsicle Stick Picture Frames) TONS of jumbo popsicle sticks, TONS of Elmer's Glue-All glue, TONS of Sharpie's of many different colors, (Duct Tape Wallets) TONS of duct tape (different colors would be awesome, but normal, gray duct tape is ok), multiple scissors, multiple rulers
- Game material: 60 plastic spoons, pack of Oreo's, balloons, string, more duct tape, 5 walkie-talkies, 4 heavy-duty kids river tubes (inner tubes), about 15 cones
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"Crazy Kids" |
- If you want to come and help out with our kids's camp, you can!! Camp only costs $10 for each person (airfare and transportation is separate). Contact me for more info!!
Again, if you can help out with Días Locos Para Cristo in any of the ways mentioned above, please contact me:
- email: daniel.ratz92@gmail.com
- Facebook: facebook.com/daniel.ratz92
- call me: +52-1-664-354-0179
Please be praying for all the kids that are going to attend, for the leaders to be well prepared, and for God to move in such a mighty way in all aspects of this camp. Big things are going to happen!!
Monday, April 17, 2017
He's Got Big Plans - March/April 2017 Prayer and Updates
Sorry for being so late on this. I was supposed to have a newsletter out in March, but I was traveling a lot, and I was waiting on some pictures from our last kids crusade that someone had took (which I never received), but that still does not give me an excuse to keep you all updated with a normal blog entry. Please forgive me for that.
Anyway, we had our second ever Kids Crusade in Terrazas del Valle, right outside of the church I work with. We had about 50 kids come out, and God definitely moved. Despite all of the technical difficulties we had, everything flowed and was provided for!! Our plan was to give out 250 sub sandwiches for all of the kids, and the day of the event, when I went to the store to buy everything, money looked super tight. I prayed in that moment, "God, make it happen just like You did with the bread and the fish." Sure enough, I had just about to the dime exactly what I needed to pay for everything, and every kid and adult that day received something to eat. Some kids even got up to 5 or 6 sandwiches!!
The kids and teens that helped out with everything also did such a phenomenal job. The Praise Team (picture to the right) really gave it their all and really wowed me that day. I'm so proud of them for all of the hours they spent practicing and for all the effort they put into everything that day. God is doing great things through these amazing kids!!
Another BIG thing that I'd like to mention: I am in the process of starting my very own 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization!! This process will be several months, and through this, I will have recognition by the State of Michigan as a legal non-profit!! Please be in prayer with me as the board and I go through this long but worthwhile process.
Something else that I would like to mention is my financial status at this moment. I really don't like to talk about this, but I have been told by a few that it's necessary. I'm looking into renting my own house very soon, and I am trying to get the funds together for that. Also, God has placed on my heart to travel around Tijuana with the kids in the picture above and do more crusades and conferences and even teach other churches how to do kids ministry!! These things unfortunately have a cost, and I would like for everyone to know where I am at in this. Below is my financial list of what I need monthly and what I currently have:
What I Need Monthly:
Saturday Kids Club - $250
Teens Bible Study - $100
Local Outreaches (Garbage Dump, Orphanage, park outreaches, kids crusades) - $150
Internship Program - $150
Housing - $150
Food - $125
Transportation - $400
Communications - $50
Misc/Emergency - $75
Total: $1450 a month
What I Currently Have: $725 a month
If you can support me monthly with any amount to help any of these things I have mentioned above, please do so at the right of this blog. Any questions or comments that you may have concerning any of this, please feel free to ask/tell me!! I highlighted that so that no one would miss it 😜 Like I always say and always mean from the deepest part of my heart, thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for all the prayers and support that you all give. May God continue to bless you all oh so very much, and then some!!
- Daniel Ratz, future founder of Operation: Worth
"Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, 'Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?' He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.
"One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to him, 'There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?'.
"And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, 'Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.' So they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves left by those who had eaten." - John 6:5-6, 8-9, 12-13
Anyway, we had our second ever Kids Crusade in Terrazas del Valle, right outside of the church I work with. We had about 50 kids come out, and God definitely moved. Despite all of the technical difficulties we had, everything flowed and was provided for!! Our plan was to give out 250 sub sandwiches for all of the kids, and the day of the event, when I went to the store to buy everything, money looked super tight. I prayed in that moment, "God, make it happen just like You did with the bread and the fish." Sure enough, I had just about to the dime exactly what I needed to pay for everything, and every kid and adult that day received something to eat. Some kids even got up to 5 or 6 sandwiches!!
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The Praise Team for Niños Locos Para Cristo!! |
The kids and teens that helped out with everything also did such a phenomenal job. The Praise Team (picture to the right) really gave it their all and really wowed me that day. I'm so proud of them for all of the hours they spent practicing and for all the effort they put into everything that day. God is doing great things through these amazing kids!!
Another BIG thing that I'd like to mention: I am in the process of starting my very own 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization!! This process will be several months, and through this, I will have recognition by the State of Michigan as a legal non-profit!! Please be in prayer with me as the board and I go through this long but worthwhile process.
Something else that I would like to mention is my financial status at this moment. I really don't like to talk about this, but I have been told by a few that it's necessary. I'm looking into renting my own house very soon, and I am trying to get the funds together for that. Also, God has placed on my heart to travel around Tijuana with the kids in the picture above and do more crusades and conferences and even teach other churches how to do kids ministry!! These things unfortunately have a cost, and I would like for everyone to know where I am at in this. Below is my financial list of what I need monthly and what I currently have:
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Saturday Kids Club |
Saturday Kids Club - $250
Teens Bible Study - $100
Local Outreaches (Garbage Dump, Orphanage, park outreaches, kids crusades) - $150
Internship Program - $150
Housing - $150
Food - $125
Transportation - $400
Communications - $50
Misc/Emergency - $75
Total: $1450 a month
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Local Outreach (Kids Crusade) |
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The Interns from the Internship Program |
If you can support me monthly with any amount to help any of these things I have mentioned above, please do so at the right of this blog. Any questions or comments that you may have concerning any of this, please feel free to ask/tell me!! I highlighted that so that no one would miss it 😜 Like I always say and always mean from the deepest part of my heart, thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for all the prayers and support that you all give. May God continue to bless you all oh so very much, and then some!!
- Daniel Ratz, future founder of Operation: Worth
"Lifting up his eyes, then, and seeing that a large crowd was coming toward him, Jesus said to Philip, 'Where are we to buy bread, so that these people may eat?' He said this to test him, for he himself knew what he would do.
"One of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter's brother, said to him, 'There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what are they for so many?'.
"And when they had eaten their fill, he told his disciples, 'Gather up the leftover fragments, that nothing may be lost.' So they gathered them up and filled twelve baskets with fragments from the five barley loaves left by those who had eaten." - John 6:5-6, 8-9, 12-13
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