Saturday, September 29, 2012

Memorable Moments (pt. 4)

If you haven't yet, check out Memorable Moments (pt. 1).

Sept. 26

It's cool outside again. How happy am I? I am.

After wasting a bowl of cereal, I came to the conclusion that Carlos's family left my milk out and didn't refrigerate it for a long time. There wasn't any room to put it in Hermano Jesse's fridge, so I put it in Carlos's family's fridge. After pouring it in my cereal this morning, I noticed that it had a funky taste. Thinking that it could've just been the cereal making it that way, I poured some in a cup. I spat it out immediately. I still had half a gallon left, too. Actually, I remember having more than that. I think they might have used some of it. Well, hopefully it was before it went bad. Thank the Lord that Hermano Jesse has two gallons of milk.

Janeth came an hour late, but I still taught her English. Well, a little. I'm really confused on what she needs to know. Last time, she needed to learn a song. Now, she was preparing for a video project that's due at the end of the year. It's not necessary, but she wants to be ahead. Apparently, this is her fourth or fifth time in this class. She said that all the other years, her teacher didn't teach anything. Now, she's teaching a lot. I guess it's too much for Janeth. Janeth said she can understand English a little, but she can't speak it. This doesn't make sense because she was saying a few words to me in English while she was here, and I didn't ask her to. I'm really curious on what she actually knows. I put together a little lesson plan on what to teach her, but she said she wanted to know adverbs and verbs (past, present, and future). I wrote down a few adverbs for her and a few verbs. I wish I could've used my lesson plan. Well, I'm teaching older Carlos tomorrow, so I can use it then.

I was supposed to teach older Carlos English today, so, after the kids came home from school, I went to his house to find out if he still wanted to learn. He said tomorrow would be better. While I was there, I saw Tuco. He was lying on this huge stuffed bear. He looked sick. Turns out, he was. Older Carlos said it was because Tuco was drinking the tap water. The water here in Mexico isn't good. At all. I see them drink that water a lot. It's not good. I saw older Carlos with a purified water jug the other day, so maybe they're drinking that now. I don't know. Anyway, Tuco's stomach was bothering him. Gabi came over with Jalapeño Doritos, and Tuco started eating some. I told him that it was bad for his stomach, but he continued to eat them. I could tell that he was hungry, so I told him that I would make him a sandwich, which was good for his stomach. After I gave him the sandwich, I pretty much took care of him for the next hour. After he ate the sandwich, he came over to me and motioned for me to pick him up, so I did. I held him for most of the time. He seemed a little tired, too, so I sat down with him and rocked him. I prayed for him, which, surprisingly, Claudia asked me to, and I sang him a song that my mom used to sing to me when I was young when I was sick or needed comfort. Of course, it was in English, so he couldn't really understand, but still. I asked him if his stomach was feeling a little better, but he wasn't really sure, so I went and got him some of my apple juice, which is straight up "nectar de manzana" and that's pretty much it. When my stomach bothered me, Hermana Leo got me the same juice, and my stomach felt a lot better, and it helped my head, too. After giving him some, he said his stomach felt better. I could tell he was cold, so I got him his sweater. He asked to go on my shoulders, so I let him. Some of the other kids saw, so I gave them piggy-back rides really quick. Then, I went back to holding Tuco because he came over to me, lifted up his arms, and said he was cold. The other kids followed me and sat with me and Tuco. After sitting for a while, my legs started to hurt, so I asked Tuco if he could sit down where I was sitting so that I could walk around. Claudia took him, and he then started to lay on the ground. I told him that he should go in his bed and not lay on the ground, but he continued to lie there. I could tell he was really tired. After a few minutes, he told Claudia that he wanted to go home, so she picked him up and went home. Once I gave Tuco the juice, Carlos saw and got really jealous. Again. It wasn't just the juice, but the fact that I was holding Tuco and stuff. It really annoys me when he gets like that. Two reasons: 1) I give Carlos more things than anyone else. He should be grateful for the things I gave him, not jealous of the little things I give others, and 2) Tuco doesn't have good parents like Carlos does. Sadly, Tuco doesn't have parents that truly take care of him like they should. I'm the only one who gives him the attention he needs. Carlos has loving parents. He doesn't need the same attention that Tuco does. Still, he gets jealous, and it really annoys me. Pray that Carlos stops getting jealous. Also, pray that Tuco doesn't get hurt/sick anymore.

I practiced with the worship team again. We're singing Vamos a Cantar, half in español and half in English. I'm really pumped to sing that on Sunday. I'm also singing the other songs with them, too. Pumped.

After practice, I thought Hermano Carlos needed to talk to me about something, but he didn't. I'm still confused as to why Carlos came upstairs while we were practicing. I ended up talking with him for a bit, and then, Carlos wanted to play tazos with me. I told him that I had to be in the church since it was past 9:30, but I said I would play with him for a bit. After we played, he said thank you. Confused, I asked why he said that. He said thank you for playing with me. I thought that was one of the most adorable things I've ever heard. Usually, kids don't thank you for playing with them. They're happy that you play with them, but they don't usually say thank you afterward. Carlos did. He's an awesome kid.

Sept. 27

I've noticed that Claudia has been a lot nicer to me. Ever since I pretended that she was one of my babies and hugged her, she's been giving me hugs ever since. I actually don't mind being around her anymore. Praying really helped. I'm definitely going to continue praying for her, as well as the rest of her family.

Tuco is still sick. Not good. Praying a lot for him. He really needs to stop getting hurt/sick. It's too much. He is a lot more gentle and sweeter when he is, though. God, I pray he keeps that same attitude, and I pray You get rid of his sickness and bring divine healing to his body. En el nombre de Jesus, amen.
Also, I found out today that it's Tuco's dad who isn't very loving. His mom is. From what I've been told, though, Tuco's parents still aren't the greatest people. Tuco's mom did take him to the doctor, so she does care. I don't know. God, help their family as well, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. In Jesus' name, amen.

I had to walk to Cèlula today with Hermano Jesse and Hermano Caesar. It's an hour away walking. Not fun, especially when you're carrying a guitar.

I ate cow tongue for dinner. Yeah. And Carlos's parents really enjoy asking me to make animal sounds. It's slightly annoying, but oh well. I'm over it. It's kind of weird, though.

Chilled with Carlos under the stars again. Seriously my favorite thing to do. And it's not like I ask him if he wants to. He asks me. The best.

Sept. 28

After spending time with Jesus this morning, I went to see what Carlos was up to. When he saw me, he gave me a big hug. He's so adorable.

I found out that I might not be able to call people that much anymore. Apparently, the plan is whack. 1000 shared minutes between three people, one of which uses her phone for work a lot. No free nights and weekends. Not even free Verizon to Verizon. Whack.

Painted the other wall today. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. There's still a little left to do, but it's the top of the wall, and I can barely reach it. Well, I can, but I can't do a good job because I have to reach as far as I can and only use the tip of the brush. Caesar said that he'll get it tomorrow.

Sept. 29

After the program for the kids, one of the ladies from the church asked if I wanted to go to her house and use the Internet. Of course, I said yes. I'm not sure if I mentioned them, but it was Samuel and Israel's mom. I don't know her name. I should probably figure that out. Anyway, I went with her and the rest of her family to her house and used their laptop and their wifi. I was able to post my other blogs and go on Facebook for a bit. She also made me dinner, which was pasta, salad, and pork chops. So delicious. Then, I played with Samuel and Israel and their friend Jonathan outside, watched some tv in English, then we left for the church. Hermana Gabi (just found out her name) gave me two donuts to take with me. For some reason, I was craving donuts ever since that one Saturday we gave out donuts for breakfast. Thank ya, Jesus, for those donuts.

I went with everyone to the church's fútbol game. Unfortunately, I didn't get to play, but at least we won.

Sept. 30

I sang with the worship band today. I think it went pretty well. I sure hope it did. Singing "Sing sing sing" in español and English was really fun, plus I was worshipping the Lord. Double bonus. Also, I had Caesar record it, so hopefully I can put it up on Facebook. Hopefully it looks/sounds good.

I went with Luis to Hermana Maida's house for dinner. I think it was supposed to be for lunch, but it took Luis a while to cook the food. It was delicious. It was like these cornmeal patties with pork (Or pig fat. I think it was the latter), cheese, lettuce, and salsa. I need to find out the name of it.

Oct. 1

I've been really tired the last couple of days, like it's been hard for me to get up. I really don't know why. I went to bed early last night on purpose so that I wouldn't be tired, but alas. Hmmm.

Carlos told me that he wanted to be like me. He said it was because I give all of the kids piggy-back rides and can play the drums. I'm not that good at playing the drums, so I don't know where he got that from, but this was probably the most adorable thing I've ever heard.

My phone hasn't been working for the past two days. I have no idea why. I think it has something to do with the Mexican cell lines. It works for everyone except me. Why.

I went for a walk so that I had something to do. I heard some people speaking English. They were white people that were helping another church. They should be helping ours. Lol, jk. I thought it was funny that I saw Americans. At least I think I did. The last time I saw Americans around here, they didn't know any Spanish. I think they came to check out our church, but I have no idea what they were doing here. I know that the one lady I talked to didn't know any Spanish, and she wouldn't talk to me about anything. I first saw her when I went to Rancho de sus Niños, and I saw her here at the church the next day. When I met her, I talked to her in Spanish because I had been speaking Spanish all week, and she was like, "Uh......." so I said, "You speak English?"
"Yeah, haha."
"Oh, sorry. I've been speaking Spanish all week."
And that was it. The next day, I introduced myself again, and she said we already met. I wasn't sure if it was her since it was dark out when I first met her, but oh well. She was with other Americans and a Mexican guy who spoke English and Spanish, but none of them said anything to me. They sat in their car for the longest time, got out, I talked to the one lady, then they walked over to the garbage area, talked there for a bit, got back in their car, waited more, then left. I thought that maybe they were here to help with the Saturday program for the kids, but they didn't.
Bottom line: Americans are weird.

Watched a minute of the Mexican news. One of the most gruesome things I've ever seen.

Oct. 2

I helped Angel, Carlos's cousin and someone from the church, get things for his Mac, like games, flash player, and iMovie. Unfortunately, after two hours of waiting, I was only able to get him a Nintendo ROM with some games (at first I was downloading them, but I then realized that I could give him the ones I already had, all 765 of them) and another game for his computer. He really wanted iMovie and Playstation games, but I downloaded the wrong version of both. His Mac is old, so I needed older versions of both, but I couldn't find the right ones. Maybe if I looked again, I could find it, pero no se.

Estefani and Karla were being really rude tonight. Well, mostly Estefani. She was saying things very rudely to me like in a mimicy(Is this a word?) voice. I believe she was asking me where Kaprice was, but she wasn't saying her name correctly. I asked her if she meant Kaprice, but she kept on saying, "¿Dooonde estaaaaaaa?" I said that I couldn't understand her since she was talking like but she kept on doing it. When someone asks you to stop. No mas. She needs prayer so that she stops lying and that she stops being rude. She and Karla both.

1 comment:

  1. Doing a great job Daniel, your blog is very interesting.When are you coming home?
