Thursday, November 1, 2012

Giving Just to Give

Today, my mom called me into her room to ask me something. While she was talking, there was some guy preaching on TV. He was talking about giving. He was sharing his story on how he started giving. My mom had to leave somewhere, so she left the room, but I couldn't move my eyes off the TV.

He goes around and preaches at different churches. One day, God told him to tell the pastor to not have the pastor give him any money for being there and speaking at the pastor's church. The pastor told him that no other pastor had ever told him that before. That night, the church, which only had 60 people at that time (it was more of a Bible study thing), held an offering for him. That was the only church he was going to speak at for that whole month. The offering that night just so happened to be enough for the whole month. He thanked God for it, but God told him to give all of it to the missionary who had just spoken before him. He obeyed God and gave the whole check to the missionary. That night, as he was out to dinner with some of the families from the church, one of the guys at the table gave him the EXACT amount, cents and all, of what the offering was worth. The guy happened to write the check before church to give to him. Ever since then, the guy gave whenever God told him to. He also talked about how we should give and not expect something back. Yes, God may bless us, but that shouldn't be our motive into giving. He said that God created giving for us, not Him. He created it to get rid of the selfishness and greed from our lives. He also said, "People are always giving because 'God is going to bless them in return.' When are we going to give just to give?" He also said that God doesn't want to bless us with things if we are just going to be selfish with it. He wants to give to those who are going to bless others with it in return.

All of these things hit me. I mean, I've given tithe when I made money, and I've given an offering every now and then, but that's it. Living with no set job means not receiving an income, which means I don't have a lot to give. At all. $2 in my bank account and $5 I got from my mom for cleaning the floor today. The preacher guy asked everyone, if they could, to this Christian college that he was speaking at. The money was going towards scholarships for kids to go there. I didn't know anything about the college, nor have I heard of it before, but I felt that I should give. I randomly started crying. I had no idea why I was crying, but God put in my heart that He was using that to test me. He was trying to get rid of the selfishness and greed in my heart. Being a missionary, not only do I have to trust completely in God to provide, but I also need to listen to Him when He tells me to do something with what He has blessed me with. I can't just hold on to something just because I feel like I need it. I need to obey God in every situation, no matter what. The guy mentioned the lady with two mites from the Bible, and how that was all she had, but she gave it anyway, and that was extravagant. That really hit me, and I called the number and gave my $2 in my bank account. I don't know how $2 is going to get anyone to college, but I pray that God multiplies that somehow.There was two cents, too, but I didn't want to close out my bank account. Setting up a new bank account is annoying. Anyway, so after that, I was planning on going up to the store to buy a calling card so that I could call Carlos in Mexico. My calling card had run out the other day while I was talking to him, so I needed to get a new one. I was going to use the $5 my mom gave me to buy a calling card. I told God that if He wanted me to give that, too, then I will. God told me that there was a black lady at the bus stop on the way to the store and that He wanted me to give it to her. At first, I thought that I just put that scenario in my head because I was so overwhelmed and wanted to hear God tell me to give it to someone. I then got that thought out of my mind and believed that God told me that. I've never really had anything like that happen to me before, so that's why I was so unsure about it. I have always heard stories about God telling people to give to others, and how that exact person was where God said that person would be, but it never happened to me. I believed that this time God was telling this to me and not me putting this thought in my head. As I approached the bus stop, the usual spot where I cross the street to go to the store, there stood a black lady. I knew right then that she was the person God wanted me to bless. I walked up to her and said, "This may sound weird, but God told me to give this to you." She looked at me as if I was pulling a prank or something.
"What's this for?" she said, puzzled.
"Ma'am, I have no idea. God just told me to give it to you."
"Are you riding the bus?"
"No, I just walked from my house."
"Oh, ok. May Jehovah bless you."
"Thanks, God bless you, too. He loves you very much."

As soon as I turned and walked away, the bus came up, and she got on. Almost immediately after I was done talking to her. That was God. As I walked away, I became so overwhelmed and began to cry. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. I thanked God for using me and prayed that I was a witness to that lady.

This was the biggest lesson in giving God had ever given to me. Here I am, a missionary for God, giving up my life, but I won't obey God give up a meesely two dollars to help someone further his/her education? Here I am, proclaiming that I'm a Christian willing to give up "everything", but I won't listen to His instruction and give five dollars to a poor lady at a bus stop? God has blessed me with so much, and yet here I am trying to hold on to it all. I say, "Thanks, God, for the blessing," and hang on to it like it's the last dime I'm going to get. What's wrong with me? God has given His money to me, and it's my job to bless others with it. Of course, I need to eat and buy things to live, but apart from that, I need to be open to bless others, especially when God tells me to. Not just with money, but with everything. For example, before I left Mexico, Carlos asked if he could have my necklace. I told him that I had given him some things already (which I had) and wanted to keep my necklace. He understood. I wanted to keep it because I was planning on doing something with it, but I never did anything with it. How can I teach him about being selfless if I can't give a little necklace with beads on it away? I don't want him to just ask me for all of my things, either, but still. Also, yesterday, I had gotten a little bag of frosted animal crackers from the thing at my church for Halloween. A kid had asked me if he could have them, but I told him that it was my only bag and that I wanted them. I told him that I had other things I could give him, but he didn't want anything else. How can I be an example for that kid when I'm holding on to a dumb bag of animal crackers? I can always get another necklace or bag of animal crackers, but I'll never be able to change what happened. They probably will forget about it, but still. I don't want my life to portray anything but the love of God, and selfishness and greed aren't part of His love. God used today to get that out of me, and it's never coming back.

Did I ever get my calling card so I could call Carlos? No, but I probably will soon. Will God bless me for what I did? Possibly, but I'm not going to sit here and dwell on how much He's going to bless me or even if He's going to at all. I do know that God's Word says that He rewards those who are faithful to Him, and God's Word is true. Jesus says in Matthew that this world may fall away, but His words never will. I praise God for His blessings, but I don't sit and wonder, "What can I do for God to bless me more?" Not any more. Instead, "What can I do so that God can use me to bless others?" No more selfishness. With anything. Blessings may come, but that's not what's most important. I need to give just to give.

***NOTE: Please don't take this like I'm telling you to give to me. NOT AT ALL. If you feel God telling you to give, then do it, but PLEASE don't feel pressured to give to me in any way. I typed this out to share this amazing lesson that God smacked me in the face with today. I pray you learn from this just as I did. What are your intentions when you give? Do you give so that you can get, or are you giving just to give, sacrificing what you have to bless others? Think about it.

*Update: That night, I got invited to go out to get ice cream with some friends. I wasn't sure if I was going to go or not since I didn't have any money, and my mom asked me why I might not be going. I said that I didn't have money to do something like that. She said that she had given me $5. I ended up explaining to her what happened that day. I didn't expect anything back, but she ended up giving me $5 to get my calling card AND $5 for ice cream. I received $3 more than what I gave. I got blessed when that wasn't my intention. Amen.

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