I thought it would be cool to let everyone know about my kids in Mexico, so I have decided to make personal profiles of some of my kids:

Name: Carlos
Age: 8 (His birthday was today! ¡Feliz CumpleaƱos, Carlos!)
Grade: 2nd
Family: Hermano Carlos (dad), Hermana Mary (mom), Blanca, Karla, Estefani (older sisters), and Kevin (baby brother)
Favorite thing: Soccer
Carlos was the first kid that I met in Mexico. I've known him ever since the missions trip in June. He's been one of the kids who has spent every day with me while I was there. I mean, his family did feed me almost every day, but still.

I love all of my kids, but Carlos is definitely one of my favorites to hang out with. He has told me that I am his "mejor amigo" numerous times, and I've told him the same. When you first meet him, he's a shy kid, but he opens up after one day. He does a lot of goofy things, which make me laugh. He's also very curious. For example, he asks me what certain words are in English a lot. He says, "What's your name?" and "cookies" a lot. He knows the most English out of all of my kids because of what I've taught him. He also likes to know what I'm talking about whenever I'm talking to someone, haha. He loves Jesus and does his best to show it, too. Of course, sometimes, he'll mess up, but who doesn't? I'm usually right there to guide him in the right direction and to teach him what Jesus would do.
Unfortunately, Carlos has a problem with jealousy. A BIG problem. Thankfully, it's not as big as a problem as it once was, but he still struggles with it. If you've read my other blogs, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If not: whenever I am playing with him and then start to play with another kid, he gets very upset and says I'm not his friend anymore, or whenever I let him do something, then let another kid do what he was doing, he does the same thing. It made me upset at first when he did that, but after the fifth or sixth time, I would straight up just tell him that he needs to stop being jealous. He knew exactly what I meant, and he would usually stop. He's definitely been working on it, and I'm very proud of him. He also told me one day, "I want to be just like you." He said that it's because I spin all of the kids around and can play the drums really well. I guess good to him is being able to keep a steady beat, which I can do, but still, that definitely put a tear in my eye. It's really awesome to know that a kid looks up to me as much as he does.
Please pray for his jealousy problem, as he's still working on that. Also, pray for his whole family as well. His family is one of the poorer families in the church, and they could definitely use prayer. Carlos's family has blessed me so much, and I am so grateful for them. I love Carlos and his family so much, and I am so glad that God has put them in my life.
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