I'd thought I'd give everyone an update on what is happening right now and what is going to happen next in my life, so here it is:
I'm currently still looking for people to help financially support me in the calling God has placed on my life. The cost to help the kids in Mexico for one year is $13,000, which includes housing, food, communication, materials for the kids' program, etc. The date I'm looking at to leave is Tuesday, January 15, 2013. I know that God will supply everything before that time. My complete trust is in Him. He's brought me this far, so I know that He won't let me down. I know that He'll lead the right people my way who are able to support me in this amazing life He has called me to live. If you feel like you are one of those people, you can donate to the right of this post, either a one-time donation or a monthly donation.
Please do not feel obligated to give. If you are in a position that you are able to donate, no matter what the amount may be, it is very greatly appreciated.
Once I am in Mexico,
I will continue helping Pastor Elvis at his church, Mision Familiar Bethlem. I will be helping with the worship team, drama team, and the Saturday kids' program. I'm also praying for fresh, new ideas that I can incorporate into the Saturday program to get even more kids to come. I'll also continue to help the kids in the area, whether it be with school, resolving problems, encouraging them to live like Jesus, or just simply being there for them. A lot of the kids don't receive the amount of attention or love that they deserve, and one of my goals is to give them God's perfect love and to give them all of the attention I can. Kids need love, and what better love to give than God's perfect love? If I didn't receive the love and attention that I so desperately needed when I was in middle school and high school, I possibly wouldn't be here, and I definitely wouldn't be doing what I am doing today. If I didn't truly experience God's amazing love and have someone show me that love, I would still be the hurt, depressed kid that I was. I do not want any of my kids going through what I went through, so I want to be able to show them God's amazing, real love now while they are still young. I want them to be able to grow up knowing how real God is and how worth it they are to Him. I want them to understand that He is there for them in every situation, that they can turn to Him for any problem they might have, and that He will never leave them nor forsake them. I will also continue being there for the rest of the people as well.
Every other weekend, I will visit Niños de la Promesa, the orphanage I was visiting before, so that they become completely comfortable with me being there. Once this is accomplished, I will then ask to do an internship with them, where I will learn how they do things at their orphanage and be involved with them on a daily basis. Once I learn everything I need to know about how to run an orphanage, I will then return to Mision Familiar Bethlem and help Pastor Elvis with his dream of running an orphanage.
Again, this isn't just another two-month missions trip. This is what God has called me to do with my life. I will be permanently living in Mexico and possibly visiting on occasion. If I do visit, I will probably bring one of my kids with me, haha. I can't leave them again. I'll make sure that everything is perfect and that everything will work out, so don't fret about that, haha. Also, how cool would it be for one of them to be able to experience America? I don't know if that will work out, but one can pray, can't he? Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Please pray for me: for safety, for God to use me in the most effective way to reach these kids, to tell them everything they need to know about God, and to be able to encourage them in the right way of living their lives. More importantly, please continue to pray for the kids: that their hearts will be open and willing to receive from God, for Him to mend any brokenness, and for Him to break any bondage on their lives. May God bless you abundantly!

"For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on the earth is named. I pray that according to the wealth of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner person, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, so that, because you have been rooted and grounded in love, you may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and thus to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God." - Ephesians 3:14-19