Sunday, July 22, 2012

Don't Try This At Home

Trust me, the title will make sense as you read.

Since I haven't been in Mexico, I've been doing what I can to continue operating in God's calling for my life. For example, I've been helping in the preschool classes at my church every weekend. I can work with any age group, but God has molded my heart to work with the younger ones, so that's why I work with the preschoolers. Anyway, so yesterday, I wasn't able to make it to church due to the fact that no one could give me a ride. Not being able to go to church meant that I wouldn't be able to help out in the preschool class, which made me upset. Now, if I were to go back like a year and a half ago, I would've been upset because I wouldn't have been able to see my friends that day. Now, it's different. I was upset because the opportunity to work in the calling God has for my life was taken away from me. Helping kids is what God has called me to do, and when I don't, I don't feel the true peace and joy that comes from working in God's calling. Now, I'm not sure if you've ever truly experienced God's true peace and joy, but if you have, you'd agree with me that it is the most amazing feeling you can ever experience, right next to His love. Not being able to help out takes some of the peace and joy away, at least for me. When I'm operating in the calling He has placed on my life, my "peace and joy tanks" get refilled, but when I don't, I still have His peace and joy, but it's not overflowing like it would be if I was. It makes me feel empty, like I'm not doing what I should be doing. Ever since I've stepped into His will for my life, all I want to do is continue to walk in it because that's where I experience His true peace and joy. Nothing else compares to it.

What I'm trying to say is that not being in His will is a horrible feeling. If you're not in His will for your life, and you're just doing your own thing, STOP. Get alone with God and truly seek Him out. Give Him the time to tell you what you need to be doing with your life. You'll know if it's Him. Then, start working in the calling He has for you, and then you'll experience the true peace and joy that I'm talking about. You can be a "Christian" all you want, but if you're not doing what God wants you to do, then what are you doing? The title doesn't mean anything. What you do shows who you truly are. Once you walking in His will, don't stop. Continue to do His will, and you'll never lose His peace and joy. Trust me, you don't want to lose it.

Also, not being in Mexico helping those kids has really shown me that that is what God has called me to do. It's always on my mind. I may get distracted by what's happening in a certain moment, but right after, it's on my mind again. All my heart longs for is to help the orphans in Mexico, and every passing day that I'm not takes a little piece of my heart out. I know it will come soon, so I just need to continue to be patient and help the kids here while I can. God will bring me there soon enough.

Bottom line: Don't not operate in His will. If you have the opportunity, do it. You'll be happy you did.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Comfort Zone

I've been asked a few times lately about how I feel about all of these changes that are about to happen to my life - going from having a nice, cozy bed to not so comfy, a good amount of food to just enough, being surrounded by friends and family to being with a bunch of people I don't know, and so on. Yes, these things have gone through my mind, but every single time I'm asked one of these questions, I tell them, "To be honest, I don't really care."

Now, you're probably thinking, "Why in the world would you not care? Shouldn't you be upset about leaving your home, friends, and family behind?" According to the world's standards, yes, I should be, but I don't live by the world's standards. I can care less about my bed and extra food, but I'm not saying that I'm not going to miss my family and friends, cause I will. The thing is, though, that I'm not going to let it get to me. I know that at this orphanage that I'm going to do work with are kids who have no one. Some of the kids may have a mom left or some other family member that they can see on the weekends, but some of them don't. For some of them, I'm going to be the only family they have, and I'm not going to let my "problems" get in the way of that. The whole point of me going down to Tijuana, Mexico, is to show these kids that I'm willing to sacrifice my life for them, to show them that they are worth it, and that there is a Heavenly Father who loves and cares for them so much and wants to give them His true peace, joy, and love. If I let my comfortableness get in the way of that, then it won't happen. I have to be willing to give everything up for God. There's no other option. In doing missions work, there is no "comfort zone". That's gone. All there is is God's will, and either you're in it, or your out.

"Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: 'Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.'"   - Mark 8:34

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How It All Started.....

               Last year, I went on a missions trip with AMP to Dallas, Texas. It has always been one of my goals to go on a missions trip, so that is one of the reasons I went, but I also was expecting God to speak to me through this. On this trip, we did VBS for two low-income apartment complexes. Through doing VBS for the kids, God showed me that He has given me a heart to help kids, specifically Hispanic kids. Now, there were three things that I thought I would never do. One of the things was working with kids. I had tried to teach my little brothers things, but I always got frustrated or annoyed, so I thought, “If I can’t help my own brothers, how am I ever going to help other kids?” So I put that out of my mind, but through working with the kids on the trip, God showed me that this is what He created me to do. On the last day of doing VBS, one of the missionaries from the ministry we did work with was talking with someone from our team about how she got involved with doing missions work in Texas. I was walking by them and overheard them talking, and I wanted to join in on the conversation because it sounded interesting, but I thought, “Nah, I’m not going to bother them,” so I kept on walking. As I took a few steps past them, I felt something inside of my heart say, “Go and talk to her (the missionary).” I slowed my pace, but I still decided not to bother them. As I took my next step, I felt it again: “Go and talk to her,” and I froze in my steps. I turned around and started talking with the missionary. She told me how she got involved, what she does, and how everything works. As she was explaining everything to me, I couldn’t stop thinking how cool it would be to do that. I didn’t think I would do it forever, but to be able to come back and help those kids for half a year would be the coolest thing. As the trip went on, I continued to think about it. It never left my mind. Everything that we did with the kids left such an impact on me. God changed me. The last night of the missions trip, I stayed up after everyone had gone to sleep and prayed. I really felt that God was telling me to go back to Dallas and help the kids there. After praying and sitting in silence, listening for God’s voice, I really felt God telling me to come back.

Once the trip was over, I went home and worked on getting back to Dallas as soon as possible. After lots of praying and seeking God, I finally went back to Dallas and did an internship with another ministry, the Dallas Metro Dream Center, where I helped lead their Sidewalk Sunday School and taught the preschool class at their church. While I was there, I learned so much about ministry and working with kids, and God even showed me more things about myself. In November, God told me that He wanted me to be a missionary. Not just for that certain time, but for the rest of my life. After I had really felt Him telling me that, I realized that He had been telling me that all along.  I think I might have been avoiding it because that was the second thing that I thought I would never do: be a missionary. I thought that all of the work missionaries do was really cool, but I never thought I would do that or even could do that. Again, God proved me wrong. He also put a vision in my mind. I saw what looked like Mexican school buildings, three on the left, and three on the right. In the middle of them were these three trees which were surrounded by stone barriers built high enough to where someone could sit on them. I was sitting on the front one with some Hispanic kids, whose ages ranged from 3 to 10, and there were others coming towards me. We were sitting and laughing. I then saw myself playing my guitar in a room with some older people. It looked like I was leading worship. After seeing that, it really confirmed what God had told me, and I really felt at peace about it. I knew that I needed to continue to do missions work, so I started getting a plan together to continue working at the Dream Center. I felt God telling me that He wanted me to do another semester at the Dream Center, so I had asked the staff if that was ok, and they all agreed.

After the first semester was over, I went home and did everything I could to get back. After spreading the word about the work I was doing and raising the necessary funds, I made it back to the Dream Center in February. As a staff, we went to Tommy Barnett’s Pastors and Leaders school. For one of the nights, they did a play on the foster care system and talked about their foster care/adoption agency. Now, God had placed adoption on my heart back in November, but I hadn’t thought too much about it. Now that they were talking about it and after everything I had seen, it really hit me hard. I couldn’t get it off my mind. Just to think of all the kids who barely have anyone there for them made my heart drop. We all had received these cards, and on it, we were supposed to write our visions for our ministry. I didn’t have my own ministry, so I just wrote down what I felt God was showing me for my own life. I wrote down what God had shown me back in November (working with kids, specifically Hispanic, and being a missionary) and now had written down about adoption and the foster care system. I wasn’t sure how all of these would fit together, but I wrote them all down anyway. On the second to last day as we were driving to lunch, God placed these words in my mind: “A missionary at a Hispanic orphanage.” I wasn’t even thinking about the card or anything that had been talked about that whole week. I was just looking out the window, and He had placed that on my mind. All of a sudden, the image of the Mexican-looking buildings reappeared in my head. I then realized that they weren’t school buildings, but buildings for an orphanage. The different ages of children being there now made sense, too. Then, I thought about the other part of the vision. I realized that the people weren’t just older people, but teenagers. Everything came together and finally made sense. I took out my card and wrote at the bottom: “A missionary at a Hispanic orphanage.

As soon as we had returned home from the conference, I started to look up pictures of Mexican orphanages. I really felt that the buildings I saw would be something from Mexico, so I was determined to find that picture. As I looked through, I saw pictures of orphans from Mexico and even started to read about one of them. As I read, I really felt that Mexico was the place where God wanted me to go, which was a little weird for me because that was the third thing I thought I would never do: work in a different country. I thought that I would stay in the United States and do work. I knew people needed help in other countries, but I knew also that people needed help here, as well, so I thought, “Why would I go to another country when there’s all of these people who need help here?” Again, God proved me wrong. I know that people need help here, but when God places a calling on your life, you can’t ignore it or go around it. Also, my heart now longs to help the people in Mexico. God changed me even more. He had taken the three things I thought I would never do, and He changed my heart to want to do all of those things.

After I had finished reading about the 5 year-old boy from Mexico and about the ministry that took care of him, I felt that I shouldn’t be looking up orphanages at that moment. I felt God telling me that He wanted me to focus on what I was doing at the Dream Center, and then He would reveal where He wanted me to go in His timing. In the beginning of April, I was talking with my missionary friend who does work in Honduras. She works with kids at a school there, and I worked with kids, so we would share stories about our kids from time to time. We also would share things about our spiritual life and ask each other questions about certain biblical topics as well. I had told her before about everything God had been revealing to me about what He wanted me to do with my life. I also told her of my plans to stay at the Dream Center for a few more years, possibly become staff, and go to Christ for the Nations and possibly learn some more things about ministry. She asked me about what I would be doing if I became staff at the Dream Center, and I told her that I would do the exact same thing, except I would be getting paid for it. We then talked about it some more, and then she said, “Well, if God has shown you what He wants you to do for your life, then why are you avoiding it?” I thought about it, and at first I wasn’t sure, but then I realized that I didn’t feel ready to go Mexico and work in an orphanage. She told me, “If God didn’t think you were ready, He wouldn’t have told you about going to Mexico. He would have told you something else.” She then went on to say that if it was meant for me to go to CFNI, then He would have revealed that to me and opened that door. She also said that if it was meant for me to become staff at the Dream Center, God would have said that and opened that door as well, but He didn’t. I was trying to do these things. I thought it was best for me to get a job at the Dream Center and go to CFNI, but after talking with my mentor at the Dream Center, he said that everything that my missionary friend had told me was right. I realized that my plan was not God’s plan. I learned that even though I was scared, possibly even terrified, to go to another country where violence and poverty were very high, and even though I personally didn’t feel ready, God was telling me that I didn’t need to be afraid because He was with me and that I was ready. All of the hands-on training I received from the Dream Center and all of the experience I had from working with the kids would help me do what I needed to do in Mexico. My mentor, who is from Nigeria, had also told me how he had made it here to America. He said it was through connections that he got here. He had met some Americans who were in Nigeria, and they helped him get here. He then told me that there might be someone I know who has connections to Mexico and that I should try to see if I did know of anyone. As he was saying that, Josh Sowiak popped in my head. I remembered back in January when Josh had told me about how he was going on a missions trip to Mexico. Curious, I asked him when it was. He told me sometime near the end of May. My internship went to June 4, so I wouldn’t have been able to go on it. Now I thought, “Well, if Josh is going on a missions trip to Mexico, he has to know people down there. He wouldn’t just be aimlessly going down there,” so I decided to call him that night and tell him everything that had been going on, which I did. I asked him if there was any way that he could help me get down to Mexico so I could do the work that God had called me to do. He mentioned that he was going on a missions trip there and asked me when my internship ended. I told him, and he said, “June 4? Huh. That’s the day the missions trip starts.” At this, I was in shock. I was so surprised. Not only did the date move from the end of May to June, but it happened to be the exact day my internship ended. God worked everything out perfectly. Josh then said that he would like me to go and meet some of his very good friends down there who knew of several orphanages that I could possibly get involved with. As he was telling me everything, I felt truly at peace. I knew that I had to get on this trip. I did everything I could to get the funds to go, and just two days before the trip, I received all of the money I needed to go. Two days later, I was off to Mexico.

The trip to Mexico really confirmed everything. The people were so accepting, the kids were adorable, and just everything about Mexico seemed like home to me. Everything was so simple. Despite their poor living conditions, they seemed to be content. They were happy, and that’s where I wanted to be. I met Josh’s friends from San Diego, told them about the dream God had placed on my heart, and they told me about a couple different orphanages they knew of. One of the girls I met went to one of the orphanages every weekend to help out, but due to her job, she can only go down once every month. She told me about her experience there and also told me about their internship. As she began to describe it to me, I felt in my heart that that was the place where God wanted me to be. I had looked at eight different orphanages in February and in April, but none of them felt right. I never had peace about any of them. This one, however, was different. I had true peace about it. I exchanged contact information with her, and she said she would get in contact with them as soon as possible and let them know about me.

I'm currently still waiting to get in contact with the orphanage, but I know that everything will happen in God's timing. I've learned through this past year that His timing is perfect, even if I don't understand it. I just need to continue seeking Him for His peace, joy, and patience, and everything will come through.

"Don't be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."  - Philippians 4:6-7