Wednesday, August 8, 2012

It's Official

After several days of praying and making phone calls, I'm finally going back to Mexico!¡ Well, not exactly Mexico yet, but I'll be staying with my friends in San Diego until the orphanage gets to know me more. The people at the orphanage said that they wanted to actually meet me before I went to do permanent work there, which is understandable. Once that happens, I'll then be able to permanently move to Mexico!¡ I've been extremely excited ever since I found out yesterday. Every time I think about it, I get this huge smile on my face. I know it's God's joy rising up out of me. Knowing that I'm one huge step closer to the calling He has placed on my life really stirs up the joy inside of me. Even though it has taken longer than I thought it would to get to this point, I'm so thankful that things are finally coming together. I know now that God wanted me here for certain things before I left. One thing I truly know now is that no matter what, I need to put ALL of my trust in Him and know that His timing is perfect. It's still a struggle for me to do both of these things, but I really know that I need to do these things if I'm going to be a full-time missionary. I really don't know if missionary is the right word, but it definitely seems to fit the best.

Anyway, I'll be living in San Diego and will be visiting the orphanage probably a couple of times before I actually move there. This way, the kids and people at the orphanage can really get to know me, and they'll be more comfortable with me, rather than me just showing up one time to talk with the people there. Then, I'll permanently be living there and doing work with the orphanage daily. I'm looking at being there for a year right now, but if God says longer, then I'll stay longer. I'm also hoping that I'll be able to visit the church in Mexico that I helped on the missions trip back in June. Before I left, one of the members of the church exchanged numbers with me, and I've kept in contact with them. I've talked with him and our translator from the trip, and they both asked me to come visit while I'm there. I really want to, so I'm praying things work out. If it's God's will, then I know it will.

That's how it's looking right now. I thank God every time I think about it. I'm just so grateful to be in His will.

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